Family Storage Clouds ~ free trial ~ Highly Secure
Photos & Videos ~ Files & data ~ Contacts & Calendars
A Family Storage Cloud ~~ brings your family together
Store all your families information in one secure Family Storage Cloud, automatically synchronize across all your family desktops and devices and then share together!
A Family Cloud is a secure repository, locked and sectioned away from the greater Internet accessible only by your family ~ bringing everyone together.
* One set of files
* One set of photos
* One media library
* One family calendar
* One family address book
* Everyone’s devices (including Grannies)
The Tablet Generation ~ Are so ready
The children of today are incredibly ready for a Family Cloud. With iPads, Androids Tablets and Android Game Consoles they can flick, pinch and browse their way consuming free “Addware Games” with easy but what else? A Family Cloud allows them to access the families desktop PC and all its contents at any time to consume, edit and share. All the Families digital information is accessible.
Family Storage Clouds ~~ bring families together
Play music and movies direct from the Home PC ~~ Anytime
Family tablets often do not include a lot of storage for a movie library. With a Family Storage Cloud that’s OK ~ the entire family media library lives on your Home PC and is synchronized with Your Family Cloud. Tablets and Mobiles can access the media anywhere, anytime. A simple 8GB tablet can now access 1TB of Cloud Content.
~~ Amazing, Easy and Fun!
Your Family Photos and Videos ~~ available everywhere
Children of yesterday loved looking through family photo albums. Today sadly photo albums rarely exist but we take more photos than ever. With a Family Storage Cloud any photo or video is automatically copied up from your mobile to Your FamilyStorage Cloud, backed up and synchronized. From there any family member can immediately view, access, edit change or delete from their desktops or devices. All within the secure confines of the Families Private Cloud.
Memories, Mementos and Moments ~ backed up and safe forever!
Share Securely ~~ Not Socially
Taking family photos and videos is incredibly fun. Securely sharing with other family members isn’t. Social Media is great for those mementos you wish to share with everyone but for many pics-n-vids it’s preferable to keep them within the confines of the Families Private Storage Cloud and automatically share from there to the entire family. Simply take a photo or video and it is shared with the entire family automatically. There is no limit on the number of family members or devices that can connect to the Families Cloud.
Your Family Calendar ~~ available to everyone, everywhere
A Family Storage Cloud not only can store photos, videos, movies, music and files. It can store calendars! Create a family calendar, let everyone’s devices access and never “miss” communicate an event time, date or place again. Support for multiple calendars means there can be one calendar for the entire family, one for work and one for each family member.
Never miss an event again!
Its locked ~~ and only your family holds the key
Its Your Family Storage Cloud not theirs. Any data you place in Your Family Cloud is only viewable by you and can’t be leveraged by advertisers or accessed by anyone without your permission. All your data is encrypted using your password as the main element of the secure private key. GlobalClouds Secure Data Vaults are private data repositories similar to safe deposit boxes that belong to you. Without your password key no one can view your pictures or videos.
They’re forever your memories and yours alone.
Your Family Address Book ~~ available to everyone, everywhere
A Family Storage Cloud not only can store photos, videos, movies, music and files. It can store your address books! Create a contact and its automatically pushed out to everyone. Change a contact and its updated on all the families devices. Support for multiple address books means there can be one contact list for all the common family friends, one for work contacts and one for each family member. Synchronize all your contacts, with maximum flexibility.
Its fun and easy!
Family Files and Work Documents ~~ synced and secured
Linking your work PC, home PC, mobiles and devices through Your Family Cloud means all your files are available anywhere, anytime on everything. But what if you wish to unlock just one file or folder of files and allow someone else in? This is where “Share-Linking” comes in. A Share Link is a random web address linking directly into an unlocked portion of Your Family Cloud that you create and share with anyone.
Work on anything, from anywhere, at anytime
Its your life so don’t be locked in one place on one device. With a Family Storage Cloud synchronizing all your files from work across all your families desktops and devices you can open, edit and share anything from anywhere at anytime. No need to bother with complicated VPNs, remote desktop services or other firewall breaching mechanisms to get into work electronically.
It’s a fun, flexible and easy.
Teams of Storage Clouds
You may wish to ynchronize a partion of Your Family Storage Cloud with another family. This can be easily supported with a GlobalClouds Team. A Team is an agreed trust between two or more GlobalClouds Clouds to allow files and folders to be selectively synchronized between families. In a Team Share setup files and folders from one Family Storage Cloud are synchronized with other Family Storage Clouds. Family Cloud Team Sharing is fun, flexible and feature full!
Get a 2GB Cloud ~ 1yr Free here
100GB Family Cloud
$24 /yr
down from $49
That’s $2 /mth!
- 100GB Storage Cloud
- Unlimited Devices
- Sync everything
- Auto Camera Roll
- Share Linking
- Join Teams
- Secure Encryption
200GB Family Cloud
$49 /yr
down from $99
This week only!
- 200GB Storage Cloud
- Unlimited Devices
- Sync everything
- Auto Camera Roll
- Share Linking
- Join Teams
- Secure Encryption
500GB Family Cloud
$69 /yr
down from $159
Great value!
- 500GB Storage Cloud
- Unlimited Devices
- Sync everything
- Auto Camera Roll
- Share Linking
- Join Teams
- Secure Encryption
1000GB Family Cloud
$99 /yr
down from $229
Huge capacity!
- 1000GB Storage Cloud
- Unlimited Devices
- Sync everything
- Auto Camera Roll
- Share Linking
- Join Teams
- Secure Encryption
More info
Personal Clouds Family Clouds Team Clouds
File Sync Camera Sync Contact Sync Calendar Sync